Yorkshire Pudding, Fantastic Fungi and Intuition

Over the years, I’ve developed a knack for seeing behind the scenes intuitively. Often, I get impressions – a metaphor or story – that connects to what my client is struggling with or trying to learn. Sometimes the metaphors connect with things actually happening in their lives – things I have no way of knowing.

One of my favorite experiences of this was when a client of mine was trying to make a decision about a move. I tuned in and got this metaphor about her wanting to make Yorkshire Pudding but not having the right pan and deciding to get blueberry muffins instead. As strange as that sounds, it actually made a lot of sense to her. You see, apparently her partner was British and Yorkshire Pudding was a mainstay for them. The trouble was, it wasn’t coming out well because they didn’t have the right pan! AND, then she adds that she’d just decided the day before to buy some blueberry muffins instead.

Crazy huh?

I swear I didn’t know any of that consciously. So how did I get that information?

Well, here’s one theory.

Did you see that documentary on Netflix about mushrooms – Fantastic Fungi? I was amazed as they described how the fungi provide a communication system for the forest. It got me thinking. My personal experience is that we are all connected all the time. That’s why you can think of someone and then a few minutes later they call or why I know when the UPS delivery person is going to show up about ten minutes before the truck arrives. Just like the fungi, we have a web of energetic connections that keep us all aware of each other. We have just gotten out of practice of paying attention to what we know at this subtle level.

Pretty amazing huh?

Have you ever had this type of experience? I’d love to hear about it! And if you’d like some help getting your own Yorkshire Pudding/Blueberry muffin message, reach out via the contact form and we’ll set up a time to chat.

Love to all!

In case you aren’t sure what Yorkshire Pudding is - it is the bread-like thing on top!


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