Henry the Donkey

Over Thanksgiving, Ryan and I went to stay with his family in Evergreen, CO. One of my favorite things to do there is to go visit the horses next door. This year, along with my favorite horse, Spirit, there was a new edition, Rio, and a donkey named Henry.

Henry is the first donkey I’ve ever met face to face. While I was hoping for love at first sight, it took a bit (or should I say bite?) for Henry to warm up to me.

On this particular visit, I decided to hang out by the fence. Spirit and Rio were both sleeping and I didn’t want to disturb them. As I gazed into the pasture, Henry noticed me and ambled closer. At first, he rejected my attempts to pet him, but after I blew in his nostrils and rubbed his long ears, he relaxed. Squatting down so I could stay at eye level, I found some itchy spots and gave him a good scratch. We continued like that for several minutes and I started hoping that maybe Henry was truly starting to like me. As he snuffled at my hand, I let him lick the surface with his long tongue, noting how he kept angling his lower teeth in my direction. Careful to keep my palm flat, I forgot about my jacket. That’s when Henry’s true nature reasserted itself and he latched on to the lip of my sleeve. And he would NOT let go!

Not wanting my coat to get ripped, I tried tapping him on the nose. He didn’t react at all (thought I swear I saw a gleeful look in his eyes). Realizing I was now in a standoff with a species renowned for its stubbornness, I wasn’t sure what to do. I tried pressuring the hinge of his jaw to get him to open (I’d had luck with that on dogs), but again, he didn’t lessen his grip. Finally, in desperation, I gave a big yank.

I was free!

Sighing in relief, I gave him one last quick pat before heading home, reflecting on how horses and their smaller counterparts never quite live up to my childhood dreams of adoring love and loyalty.

Mostly, I’ve found them to be cranky unless I’m feeding them - sort of like my family members. Just kidding (or maybe not).

And speaking of family, as we go into this season that often brings more group gatherings, you might want to take a hint from Henry. Be curious but stay alert. And remember the sweet spots. Most importantly, BRING TREATS!

For those celebrating the season with quiet contemplation or those gathering with loved ones, know you are deeply loved. Thank you for all you offer the world and may your transition into Winter be gentle and filled with peace.

Henry coming to say hello (which is code for “eat my jacket”)


The Sweet Smell of Christmas
